NEW Prolora PadWatcher™
Well Site Audit Trail Solution
You Can’t Be There 24/7 But We Can
Automatically generates event tickets with:
Tank levels at time of entry and exit.
Attached photos and/or video records of the vehicles.
Any other photos and/or videos, sensor readings or other operational information at the time of the event.
Camera Monitoring
Captures photos and/or videos of vehicles and other movement as motion occurs.
One or more cameras can be deployed.
Up to 360° views can be stitched together.
Motion Detecting & Alerting
Records enter/exit activity on the pad.
Real time personalized alerts by email, text and/or online.
Optional Sensors
Additional data collection at time of events available:
Data readings such as Meters, Valve settings, etc.
Environmental conditions such as Temperature, Humidity, CO, CO2 and H2S, Noise, etc.
Powered By Prolora™
Internet of Things (IoT) Equipment Integration
Prolora's IoT Engine makes it possible for all equipment, even equipment which was never designed to be on a network, to be efficiently placed online and remotely managed.
All devices can be managed from a single Prolora Point of Presence, from sensors and switches to one or more complex Programmable Logic Controller(s)(PLC).
Key advantages of Prolora's IoT Engine:
• Economical Costs
• Rapid Deployment - measured in weeks
• Strong Security

State of the Art next Generation SCADA “Internet of Things (IoT)” Methodologies
There is a digital transformation occurring, brought on by the convergence of advances in the IoT, computing technologies, wireless connectivity, and the next generation of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). Integrating data from multiple devices to address industry-specific needs as well as providing analytics, the IoT platform allows businesses to generate timely, pertinent and actionable insights. The IoT is changing the way organizations work, representing valuable opportunity for businesses of all sizes and across all sectors.