Salt Water Disposal (SWD) well applications normally truck fluids, similar to Chemical Trucks (see below). However using Prolora’s services it becomes practical to automate pipelines to manage disposal using flow lines instead of trucks.
Oil field pumps draw fluids from the ground on working oil and gas wells. Prolora’s services connect these standalone devices to report various operating parameters such as the speed of the well pump, how much fluid is moving, and the pressures below ground. Based on operating conditions, the well’s owner may need to shut the well off or speed up/slow down the pumping rate. Any condition that is out of the ordinary is instantly relayed via alerts to field operations staff in the area.
Chemical trucks deliver various lubricants, corrosive inhibitors and other fluids to each well site daily. Prolora’s service, used by the oil field service providers and running in the truck cab, measures and reports tank levels, the amounts of fluids dispensed for each well to generate the “run tickets” billed back to the well owners, and the GPS location of the trucks as they move from well to well. The amount to be delivered at each site can be sent to the truck as it arrives at a given site and alerts are sent when, for example, a tank is overfilled or a line is clogged.
Oil field compressors are used to “pressure up” the gas from a well so, for example, gas at 100 Pounds per square inch (PSI) can be pushed into a gas pipeline running at 150 PSI. This potential client has 4 different types of control devices from different models already running in the field, some decades old. Prolora’s services not only log and relay operating data, provide remote control of the compressors and alert problems, they also provide a single, consistent interface across the Internet so the compressor owners don’t need to care which style of controller is running on a given compressor – they have a single, consistent way to find out the information they need and control the units.
Monitor speed and GPS locations
Reduce overhead
Increase productivity
Increase security
Deliver connected, integrated, faster, accurate, and cost-effective systems that increase efficiency and reduce downtime.
Monitor client use and maintenance of equipment.
Monitor status and enable proactive maintenance on equipment when sensors detect an impending failure based on customizable parameters.
Customize alerts that trigger emails and phone calls as directed.
Collect performance data for analytics to gain insight into the real utilization of devices, predictive issues, and drive product evolution.
Collect data from devices without physically retrieving it.
Measure and monitor oil extraction rates, tank levels, flow rates, pressures, etc.
View the real-time operational status of equipment in remote areas at all times.
Remotely control devices and equipment- turn off or on, open and close valves, etc. as needed.
Monitor and enable proactive maintenance on equipment when sensors detect an impending failure based on customizable parameters.
Increase efficiency and reduce downtime.
Monitor and manage pipelines.
Customize alerts that trigger emails and phone calls as directed.
Monitor GPS systems, electronic road signs, cameras and traffic light coordination to control traffic flow and congestion and aid in Emergency Management.
View the real-time operational status of equipment in all areas at all times.
Setup alerts and alarms to quickly identify and mitigate appropriate response and minimize downtime.
Reduce operating costs and increase safety by automating lighting levels by sensing vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Monitor utilities: water treatment plants, sewer flow.
Manage security, surveillance video, and weather sensors.
Collect performance data for analytics to gain insight into the real utilization of devices, predictive issues and drive improvements.
Video surveillance
Attendee monitoring
Power/Backup power management
Irrigation/Water management